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MEG 805: Continuum Mechanics


MEG 805: Continuum Mechanics

  • Course level: Intermediate
  • Total Enrolled 110
  • Last Update June 14, 2023

About Course

Continuum Mechanics can be thought of as the grand unifying theory of engineering science. Many of the courses taught in an engineering curriculum are closely related and can be obtained as special cases of the general framework of continuum mechanics.


Continuum Mechanics can be thought of as the grand unifying theory of engineering science. Many of the courses taught in an engineering curriculum are closely related and can be obtained as special cases of the general framework of continuum mechanics. The balance laws of mass, momentum and energy that are derived in the context of specific material constitutions are natural laws that are natural laws and independent of these contexts. This fact is easily lost on most undergraduate and even some graduate students.

The language of Continuum Mechanics is called Tensor Analysis, you need Software to practice and engage more challenging problems; then Simulation will help you deploy the knowledge gained to design virtually in order to save prototyping costs. In this set of courses, we take you through all these stages to enrich your knowledge. The approach here is to optimize your time so to learn things the shortest way and remain focused on doing engineering with your knowledge.

Engineering is the application of Science to create technology products and services. It is rooted in theory. If you do not organize the learning of theory very well, you end up with full heads and no products as we have been doing. If you leave theory and simply do “practicals”, you end up with half-baked crafts trade – again, no serious products. We are offering you an approach to avoid both extremes and learn, in order to do engineering correctly.

What you will learn here will alter your view about some of the other courses you will take on your way to a degree in engineering. If you do your part, you will be given skills, tools and knowledge that are directed at making you productive people that can change the narrative of dependency and hopelessness that has been Africa’s story.

What Will I Learn?

  • Vector Analysis
  • Tensor Algebra
  • Tensor Calculus
  • Differentiation
  • Partial Differentiation
  • Line Integral
  • Surface Integral
  • Integral Theorems
  • Mathematica Programming
  • Fusion 360 Design

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Material Includes

  • Continuum Mechanics for Modeling, Simulation & Design textbook by Prof. OA Fakinlede
  • Programming Clinics


  • Fusion 360 installation
  • Mathematica 11 or higher

Target Audience

  • Postgraduates of Mechanical/Systems Engineering at the University of Lagos, Nigeria.